Programme & Fee

Forum’s planned events:

  • Plenary Session
  • Open lectures of top managers
  • Round tables

A solemn meeting (plenary session) of the IV Betancourt International Transport​ Forum is scheduled on December 2.

Conference Fee

Participation (Publication of one adopted paper 6 — 10 pages long) and paper oral or poster presentation by one of authors – € 150. All payments are made only after acceptance of an article for publication.
Accompanying person – € 50.
Conference fee for participation covers (for one person): a conference bag with related documents, participation in all sessions and conference events.
Conference fee for accompanying person covers: participation in all sessions and conference events.
Conference fee does not include accommodation payment.

Heads, professors, employees, students of universities, scientific and industrial organizations, business representatives are invited to participate.

Key dates

Conference dates

28 November - 03 December, 2024

Notification of acceptance

21 October, 2024

Full paper submission deadline

08 September, 2024