Betancourt International Transport Forum Plenary Session

The Plenary Session of the Betancourt International Transport Forum on the topic «History and Prospects for the Development of the Transport Industry and Transport Education» was held in the Large Physical Auditorium of the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University.

The Rector of PGUPS Alexander Panychev welcomed the participants of the Forum.

Many topical issues were discussed by the participants. Deputy CEO of Russian Railways Dmitry Shakhanov spoke about the cooperation between employers and universities, especially in the circumstances of the rapid change in the education system and the emergence of new technologies.

Konstantin Pashkov, Director of the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, spoke about the main provisions of the Development Concept for Transport Education until 2035 and the transformation that awaits transport universities.

The rector of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) Alexander Klimov made a presentation on the training professionals for the country’s entire transport industry and solving industry-wide problems.


The discussion was also attended by the rector of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation Boris Eliseev.


The former rector of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Professor Carlos Conde Lazaro spoke about the differences in professional education and the prospects for transport education in Spain.

Vice-President of the Southwest Jiaotong University, China, Yao Famin told the audience about the peculiarities of transport education in China and the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The plenary session of the Betancourt International Transport Forum ended with a presentation by Rector Alexander Panychev on the prospects for the development of the University and new skills necessary for a modern engineer.